Image segmentation in computer vision

6 min readAug 19, 2023

In this post we explore what is image segmentation, some approaches , example python Implementation and it’s applications. So, let’s begins with definition.

What is Image segmentation?

Image segmentation is a fundamental technique in computer vision that aims to partition an image into multiple meaningful and distinct regions, each corresponding to a specific object, shape, or structure present in the image. This process involves associating a label with each pixel in the image to indicate the segment to which it belongs. The ultimate goal is to accurately delineate the boundaries of objects within the image, allowing for more precise analysis and understanding of its content.

There are several approaches to image segmentation:

Thresholding: This is a simple technique where pixels are classified into different segments based on their intensity values. If the intensity value of a pixel is above a certain threshold, it belongs to one segment; otherwise, it belongs to another. This is effective for images with well-defined intensity differences between objects and background.

Edge-based methods: These methods identify boundaries between different segments by detecting sudden changes in intensity or color. Techniques like the Canny edge detector are used to identify edges, which can then be connected to form object boundaries.

Region-based methods: These methods group pixels into segments based on similarity criteria such as color, texture, or intensity. Techniques like K-means clustering or Mean-Shift clustering are used to group similar pixels together.

Contour-based methods: These methods focus on identifying the contours or outlines of objects in an image. Techniques like active contours (snakes) or contour tracing algorithms help to detect object boundaries.

Semantic segmentation: In this advanced approach, each pixel is assigned a class label indicating the specific object or structure it belongs to. This requires training deep learning models like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on labeled datasets to learn the intricate features of different objects.

Instance segmentation: This approach not only distinguishes object classes but also different instances of the same class. It provides a unique label to each individual object instance in the image.

Mathematical concepts behind image segmentation

Image segmentation in computer vision involves dividing an image into distinct regions or segments to simplify its analysis. Several mathematical concepts underpin this process:

Intensity Thresholding: This simple technique involves choosing a threshold value and classifying pixels based on whether their intensity values are above or below the threshold.

Clustering: Algorithms like K-Means or Mean-Shift can group similar pixels into clusters, which correspond to different segments in the image.

Graph Theory: Graph-based methods treat the image as a graph, with pixels as nodes and relationships between pixels as edges. Graph cuts and minimum spanning trees can be used to separate the image into segments.

Region Growing and Splitting: These methods start with a seed pixel and expand or split regions based on predefined criteria like color similarity, texture, or intensity.

Watershed Transform: Inspired by geological watersheds, this method treats the image as a topographic map and segments it based on flooding criteria.

Markov Random Fields (MRFs): MRFs model the relationships between neighboring pixels and use probabilities to assign labels to pixels, resulting in segmented regions.

Graph-Cut-Based Energy Minimization: This approach formulates image segmentation as an energy minimization problem. Pixels are assigned labels to minimize an energy function that balances data term (pixel similarity) and smoothness term (encouraging similar labels for neighboring pixels).

Active Contour Models (Snakes): These models iteratively deform an initial contour to fit object boundaries by minimizing an energy functional based on image features and smoothness.

Level Set Methods: Level set techniques represent object boundaries as the zero level sets of higher-dimensional functions, evolving the level sets over time to achieve segmentation.

Python implementation

Import Libraries:
Import the necessary libraries, mainly OpenCV and NumPy.

import cv2
import numpy as np

Read the Image:
Read the image you want to perform segmentation on.

image = cv2.imread(’image.jpg’)

Preprocess the Image:
Apply preprocessing techniques like blurring and gradient calculation to enhance edges.

gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0)
gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(blurred, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, np.ones((3,3),np.uint8))

Use thresholding to create a binary image highlighting the areas of interest.

_, thresh = cv2.threshold(gradient, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

Morphological Operations:
Apply morphological operations to clean up the binary image.

kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3,3))
morph = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel, iterations=2)
Background Marker:
Identify sure background regions and mark them.

sure_bg = cv2.dilate(morph, kernel, iterations=3)

Foreground Marker:
Identify sure foreground regions (objects) and mark them.

dist_transform = cv2.distanceTransform(morph, cv2.DIST_L2, 5)
_, sure_fg = cv2.threshold(dist_transform, 0.7 * dist_transform.max(), 255, 0)

Unknown Regions:
Identify regions that are uncertain (unknown).

sure_fg = np.uint8(sure_fg)
unknown = cv2.subtract(sure_bg, sure_fg)

Marker Labeling:
Label the sure foreground markers.

_, markers = cv2.connectedComponents(sure_fg)
markers = markers + 1
markers[unknown == 255] = 0

Apply Watershed Algorithm:
Apply the watershed algorithm to segment the image.

markers = cv2.watershed(image, markers)
image[markers == -1] = [0, 0, 255] # Mark boundary regions in red

Display the Result:
Display the segmented image.

cv2.imshow(’Segmented Image’, image)


Image segmentation finds applications in a wide range of fields:

Object detection and tracking: It helps in identifying and tracking objects in videos or images, which is crucial for surveillance and autonomous vehicles.

Medical imaging: It plays a vital role in identifying and segmenting different structures within medical images like MRI and CT scans.

Remote sensing: It's used to analyze satellite images for land cover classification, crop monitoring, and urban planning.

Image editing: It enables precise manipulation of specific regions in an image, like background removal or changing object attributes.

Robotics: It assists robots in understanding their environment and interacting with objects.


Image segmentation in computer vision has made significant progress, but it does have some limitations.

Complex Scenes: Image segmentation struggles with complex scenes where objects are densely packed or overlapping, making it difficult to accurately separate them.

Fine Details: Segmentation might struggle with capturing fine details and intricate patterns within objects, especially when the resolution is low or the object's texture is complex.

Ambiguity: Ambiguous boundaries between objects or instances can lead to misclassification or incomplete segmentation.

Variability: Variability in lighting conditions, camera angles, and object appearances can make it challenging for segmentation models to generalize well across different scenarios.

Computational Cost: Many segmentation algorithms are computationally intensive, which can be an issue for real-time applications or when working with large datasets.

Sensitivity to Parameters: Some segmentation methods require tuning of various parameters, and the performance can be sensitive to these settings.

Semantic Understanding: While segmentation provides pixel-level labels, it might not inherently capture semantic understanding of the objects. For example, distinguishing between a person and a statue of a person.

Class Imbalance: If certain classes are underrepresented in the training data, the model might struggle to segment those classes accurately.

Lack of Context: Segmentation focuses on individual objects but might lack the context of the overall scene, which could be important for understanding relationships between objects.

Real-time Constraints: For applications that require real-time performance, the speed of segmentation algorithms might not be sufficient.

Generalization: Ensuring that segmentation models generalize well to unseen data, especially from different domains, can be a challenge.

Unstructured Scenes: In scenes with clutter, occlusions, or irregular object shapes, segmentation models may struggle to correctly identify object boundaries.

Partial Occlusions: Partially occluded objects can be challenging to segment accurately, as the model might have difficulty distinguishing between the object and the occlusion.


Overall, image segmentation is a crucial building block in computer vision, enabling machines to comprehend and interpret visual information in a manner similar to human perception.

I Hope post able to deliver detailed description on image segmentation in computer vision.

Thank you readers !! Stay connected!

